19 岁的雅各布·克朗普顿 (Jacob Crompton) 最后一次出现在雷特福德 (Retford),失踪了一个多星期;警方和公众的搜寻工作。 19-year-old Jacob Crompton, last seen in Retford, missing for over a week; search efforts by police and public.
19 岁的雅各布·克朗普顿 (Jacob Crompton) 在雷特福德失踪一周多,警方对其进行了陆地和水域搜查,他的母亲称此举“完全不符合他的性格”。 19-year-old Jacob Crompton missing from Retford for over a week; land & water searches by police, as his mother describes it as "completely out of character". 雅各布最后一次出现时身穿 North Face 外套、连帽衫、牛仔裤和海军蓝色 Nike Air Max 运动鞋,身高约 5 英尺 10 英寸,留着深色短发。 Jacob, last seen wearing a North Face anorak, hoodie, jeans, and navy blue Nike Air Max trainers, is around 5ft 10in with short dark mousy hair. 雷特福德各地的公共搜索小组和海报旨在寻找失踪的青少年。 Public search parties and posters across Retford aim to find the missing teenager.