61 岁的比利时人马克·布利斯被任命为喀麦隆男子足球队主教练,这让喀麦隆足球俱乐部感到意外。 61-year-old Belgian Marc Brys appointed as Cameroon's men's football team head coach, surprising Fecafoot.
喀麦隆足球联合会 (Fecafoot) 对该国体育部任命马克·布莱斯为国家男子足球队主教练感到惊讶和震惊。 Cameroon's Football Federation (Fecafoot) has expressed surprise and astonishment over the appointment of Marc Brys as the national men's football team head coach by the country's sports ministry. 这位61岁的比利时人此前曾执教鲁汶大学,他将接替里戈伯特·宋担任主教练。 The 61-year-old Belgian, previously managing OH Leuven, is set to succeed Rigobert Song as the head coach. 费卡福特批评体育部单方面做出这一决定,并计划解决这一问题。 Fecafoot criticized the sports ministry for making the decision unilaterally and is planning to address the situation.