由于电动汽车需求下降和竞争加剧,特斯拉第一季度销量下降 9%,创四年来最大跌幅。 Tesla Q1 sales dropped 9%, its steepest decline in four years, due to decreased EV demand and increased competition.
随着电动汽车需求放缓和竞争加剧,特斯拉第一季度销量下降 9%,为四年来最大幅度降幅。 Tesla sales dropped 9% in Q1, the most significant decrease in four years, as EV demand slows and competition intensifies. 该汽车制造商的回应是降价,但这挤压了利润率并支撑了其高企的股价。 The automaker has responded by cutting prices, but this has squeezed profit margins and supports for its lofty stock price. 特斯拉预计 2023 年的销售增长将“明显下降”,介于 Model 3 和 Model Y 与尚未发布的 Model 2 的增长浪潮之间。 Tesla anticipates "notably lower" sales growth in 2023, positioned between growth waves from the Models 3 and Y and the yet-to-be-released Model 2.