联合航空UA59航班因厕所溢出和污水泄漏返回法兰克福。 United Airlines Flight UA59 returning to Frankfurt due to toilet overflow and sewage leak.
美国联合航空 UA59 航班因波音 777 客机上的厕所发生溢水,污水泄漏到机舱内,被迫返回德国法兰克福。 United Airlines Flight UA59 was forced to return to Frankfurt, Germany, after a toilet on board the Boeing 777 overflowed and sewage leaked into the cabin. 这架飞机原定飞往加利福尼亚州旧金山,但起飞两小时后不得不返航。 The plane had taken off for San Francisco, California, but had to turn back two hours after takeoff. 此次事件之前,美联航最近几周还遇到了一系列问题,包括飞行维护问题、发动机故障以及飞机着陆后滑出跑道等。 This incident comes on the heels of a number of other issues faced by United Airlines in recent weeks, including flight maintenance problems, engine failure, and a plane skidding off the runway after landing. 目前还没有任何人员受伤的报告。 There have been no reports of any injuries.