56岁的古巴教练达戈贝尔托·卡波特带领新疆拳击队取得了全国冠军赛的3金1银1铜成绩。 56-year-old Cuban coach Dagoberto Capote improved Xinjiang boxing team's performance, winning 3 golds, 1 silver, and 1 bronze at the national championship.
56岁的古巴教练达戈韦托·卡波特在训练成年组和青年组拳击队时,大大提高了新疆拳击队的表现。 56-year-old Cuban coach, Dagoberto Capote, has significantly boosted the Xinjiang boxing team's performance, training both the senior and youth divisions. 在他的努力下,该队在去年 12 月的全国锦标赛上赢得了三枚金牌、一枚银牌和一枚铜牌。 His dedication has led to the team winning three gold, one silver, and one bronze medal at the national championship last December. 卡波特是古巴和委内瑞拉的前国家冠军和教练,他的目标是将中国拳击提升到全球顶级水平。 Capote, a former national champion and coach in Cuba and Venezuela, aims to elevate Chinese boxing to the top tier globally.