由于汽车盗窃案增加,佛蒙特州警方警告从蒙特利尔返回的司机检查是否携带 Apple AirTags 等隐藏的 GPS 跟踪设备。 Vermont police warn drivers returning from Montreal to check for hidden GPS tracking devices like Apple AirTags due to a rise in auto theft.
伯灵顿的佛蒙特州警方警告从蒙特利尔返回的司机检查他们的车辆是否有隐藏的 GPS 跟踪设备,例如苹果 AirTags,此前一个月有两份独立报告称居民在他们的车辆上发现了这些设备。 Vermont police in Burlington have warned drivers returning from Montreal to check their vehicles for hidden GPS tracking devices such as Apple AirTags, following two separate reports in the past month of residents finding these devices on their vehicles. 加拿大各地警方报告称,汽车盗窃案有所增加,窃贼使用跟踪设备和侵入车载诊断系统等快速而复杂的方法来绕过防盗技术。 Police forces across Canada have reported a rise in auto theft, with thieves using quick and sophisticated methods like tracking devices and hacking on-board diagnostics to bypass anti-theft technology. 当局敦促居民报告在车辆上发现的任何可疑装置。 Authorities urge residents to report any suspicious devices found on their vehicles.