Stone Way Auto 被改造成西雅图的社区活动空间。 Stone Way Auto repurposed as community event space in Seattle.
占地 10,000 平方英尺的 Stone Way Auto 原本是一座制造大楼,现已改造成西雅图的社区活动空间。 10,000-sqft Stone Way Auto, originally a manufacturing building, has been repurposed as a community event space in Seattle. 与此同时,奥林匹亚市正在寻求修建占地 0.34 英亩的社区公园的提案,以纪念黑人和非裔美国人社区成员。 Meanwhile, the City of Olympia seeks proposals for a 0.34-acre community park to honor Black and African American community members. 另一则新闻是,华盛顿州交通部(WSDOT)正在为位于SoDo的WOSCA地带寻求零碳理念,该地带是一块于2009年获得的4英亩空地。 In another news, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is seeking zero-carbon ideas for the WOSCA strip in SoDo, a 4-acre vacant land acquired in 2009.