韩国演员宋康入伍前给粉丝写信,表达感激之情,并分享学习新语言的计划。 South Korean actor Song Kang writes letter to fans before military enlistment, expressing gratitude and sharing plans to learn a new language.
韩国演员宋康于 4 月 2 日入伍前向粉丝写了一封感人至深的信,名为《SONGPYEON》。 South Korean actor Song Kang has written a heartfelt letter to his fans, known as SONGPYEON, before his military enlistment on April 2. 宋康在信中感谢粉丝自2017年出道以来的支持,并表示在缺席期间他会想念粉丝。 In the letter, Song Kang expresses gratitude for the fans' support since his debut in 2017 and shares that he will miss them during his absence. 他还提到了自己在军队期间学习一门新语言的计划,并希望他的粉丝们也能度过有意义的时光。 He also mentions his plans to learn a new language while in the military and hopes that his fans will also spend their time meaningfully.