Mamamoo 华莎在首尔举办首次个人粉丝演唱会“HWASA the 1st FANCON TOUR [Twits]”,亚洲巡演足迹遍及香港、台北和新加坡。 Mamamoo's Hwa Sa holds first solo fan concert "HWASA the 1st FANCON TOUR [Twits]" in Seoul, with Asia tour legs in Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore.
Mamamoo 华莎将于 4 月 20 日在首尔举办她的首场单独粉丝演唱会“HWASA the 1st FANCON TOUR [Twits]”。 Mamamoo's Hwa Sa is set to hold her first solo fan concert, 'HWASA the 1st FANCON TOUR [Twits]' on April 20th in Seoul. 巡演的亚洲站将于五月和六月在香港、台北和新加坡停留,更多日期预计将公布。 The Asia leg of the tour will feature stops in Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore in May and June, with more dates expected to be announced. 华莎的粉丝社区“Twits”在全球粉丝平台B.stage上开放,她的个人出道歌曲同名。 Hwa Sa's fan community 'Twits' was opened on B.stage, a global fandom platform, and her solo debut song shares the same name.