马来西亚国王苏丹易卜拉欣重申打击腐败的承诺,加强反贪会的努力。 Malaysia's King, Sultan Ibrahim, reaffirms commitment to combat corruption, intensifying MACC efforts.
马来西亚国王苏丹易卜拉欣重申,他致力于打击腐败,并将其作为该国在位期间的首要任务。 Malaysia's King, Sultan Ibrahim, has reaffirmed his commitment to combat corruption as the country's top priority during his reign. 在会见马来西亚反腐败委员会(MACC)主席丹斯里阿扎姆巴基时,他强调“蜜月期”已经结束,并指示 MACC 加大反腐败力度,并象征性地赠送一盒蜂蜜以纪念这一时刻。 In a meeting with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner, Tan Sri Azam Baki, he emphasized the end of the "honeymoon" period and instructed the MACC to intensify efforts against corruption, symbolically presenting a container of honey to mark the occasion.