40 个字符的摘要:多个组织计划于 4 月在埃塞克斯郡的马尔登、科尔切斯特和威文霍进行道路工程,导致道路封闭和延误。 40-character summary: Multiple organizations schedule road works in Maldon, Colchester, and Wivenhoe, Essex, in April, causing road closures and delays.
400 个字符的摘要:4 月份,埃塞克斯郡马尔登、科尔切斯特和威文霍预计将进行道路封闭和施工,涉及科尔切斯特 Amphora、Cadent、Openreach、Anglian Water 等多个组织。 400-character summary: Road closures and works are scheduled across Maldon, Colchester, and Wivenhoe, Essex, in April involving various organizations including Colchester Amphora, Cadent, Openreach, Anglian Water, and more. 道路封闭和工程范围从更换主电源到更换电线杆,持续时间各不相同。 Road closures and works range from mains replacement to pole replacements and last for varying durations. 受影响的主要街道包括 St Nicholas Street、Long Wyre Street、Culver Street East、The Cross、The Avenue 等。 Key streets affected include St Nicholas Street, Long Wyre Street, Culver Street East, The Cross, The Avenue, and others. 居民和通勤者应该做好道路封闭和延误的准备。 Residents and commuters should expect road closures and delays.