女演员普里扬卡·乔普拉 (Priyanka Chopra) 将担任迪士尼自然电影《老虎》的旁白,该片讲述的是一只印度母虎和她的幼崽的故事,将于世界地球日上映。 Actress Priyanka Chopra to narrate Disney's nature film "Tiger" about a mother tiger and her cubs in India, releasing on Earth Day.
女演员普里扬卡·乔普拉 (Priyanka Chopra) 将担任迪士尼即将上映的自然电影《老虎》的旁白,该片讲述了一只母虎和她的幼崽在印度丛林中八年的生活故事。 Actress Priyanka Chopra is set to narrate Disney's upcoming nature film, "Tiger", which follows a mother tiger and her cubs in India's jungles over eight years. 这部电影定于 4 月 22 日地球日上映,重点关注爱情、冲突、饥饿和生存等主题,并将在 Disney+ Hotstar 上播放。 The film, set for release on Earth Day, April 22, focuses on themes of love, conflict, hunger, and survival, and will be available on Disney+ Hotstar. 乔普拉表示她很高兴能与世界各地的观众分享丛林体验。 Chopra expressed her excitement to share the jungle experience with audiences worldwide.