40 岁的 Deneile L. Snow 在托皮卡因持有兴奋剂、毒品用具和打开的酒瓶以及驾驶无牌汽车而被捕。 40-year-old Deneile L. Snow arrested in Topeka for possession of a stimulant, drug paraphernalia, and open alcohol container; driving a car without a license plate.
肖尼县执法部门正在调查一名驾驶无牌照汽车的毒品嫌疑人。 Law enforcement in Shawnee County is investigating a drug suspect who was driving a car without a license plate. 一名毒品识别专家副手在托皮卡的北堪萨斯大道和戈登街东北部进行了一次交通拦截,逮捕了 40 岁的德内尔·L·斯诺 (Deneile L. Snow),并指控其持有兴奋剂、吸毒用具和运输敞口集装箱酒。 A Drug Recognition Expert deputy conducted a traffic stop at North Kansas Avenue and NE Gordon Street, Topeka, leading to the arrest of Deneile L. Snow, 40, and charges of possession of a stimulant, possession of drug paraphernalia, and transporting an open container of liquor.