乌干达政府计划利用新城市中小型道路项目的案例研究来改善当地采购。 Uganda's government plans to improve local procurement using case studies from modest road projects in new cities.
乌干达政府计划利用新城市和直辖市的小型道路项目的案例研究来加强地方政府层面的采购程序。 Uganda's government plans to utilize case studies from modest road projects in new cities and municipalities to enhance procurement procedures at the local government level. USMID 项目协调员 Mutenyo 博士在金贾市举行的经验教训会议上宣布了这一消息。 Dr. Mutenyo, USMID Programme Coordinator, announced this during a lessons-learned conference in Jinja City. 尽管还存在一些不足,但十个新城市和直辖市的地方政府基础设施资产中至少增加了 141 公里的城市道路网络。 At least 141 kilometers of urban road networks have been added to local government infrastructure assets in ten new cities and municipalities, despite some shortcomings.