由马克·西尔斯 (Mark Sears) 率领的四号种子阿拉巴马男篮在 NCAA 锦标赛中以 89-82 击败克莱姆森大学进入四强。 4th-seeded Alabama men's basketball team led by Mark Sears reached the Final Four, defeating Clemson 89-82 in the NCAA Tournament.
全明星球员马克·西尔斯 (Mark Sears) 带领阿拉巴马大学首次闯入四强赛,在 NCAA 锦标赛西区决赛中,四号种子红潮队以 89-82 击败六号种子克莱姆森队,拿下 23 分。 All-American Mark Sears led Alabama to its first Final Four appearance, scoring 23 points as the 4th-seeded Crimson Tide defeated 6th-seeded Clemson 89-82 in the NCAA Tournament West Region final. 阿拉巴马州的胜利得益于下半场三分线外15投10中的强劲表现,其中西尔斯贡献了6个进球。 Alabama's victory was driven by a strong 10-of-15 second-half performance from beyond the arc, with Sears responsible for six of the makes. 红潮队将在四强赛中面对卫冕全国冠军康涅狄格大学。 The Crimson Tide will face defending national champion UConn in the Final Four.