19 岁的托马斯·阿德 (Thomas Ard) 因车辆在 Fairview 街十字路口被火车撞到而被指控酒后驾车。 19-year-old Thomas Ard charged with DUI after vehicle hit by train at Fairview Street crossing.
来自克拉伦登县新锡安的 19 岁托马斯·阿德 (Thomas Ard) 周五早些时候在莱克城 Fairview 街十字路口他的车辆被火车撞到,被指控酒驾。 19-year-old Thomas Ard from New Zion, Clarendon County, was charged with DUI after his vehicle was hit by a train at the Fairview Street crossing in Lake City early Friday. 中午 12 点 20 分左右,Ard 的车辆要么熄火,要么冲出了十字路口,被困住了。幸运的是,他在火车到达之前下了车,避免受伤。 Ard's vehicle was either stalled or had gone off the crossing and got stuck around 12:20 a.m. Thankfully, he exited the vehicle before the train arrived, avoiding injury. 列车并未脱轨,道口仍然开放。 The train did not derail, and the crossing remains open.