瑞典提供 190 万美元支持津巴布韦的药物滥用打击运动“The Strength Is In You”。 Sweden provides $1.9m to support Zimbabwe's drug abuse combat campaign, "The Strength Is In You."
瑞典已拨款 190 万美元帮助津巴布韦打击毒品滥用,这一问题日益严重。 Sweden has granted $1.9m to aid Zimbabwe's efforts to combat drug abuse, identified as a growing problem. 该笔资金支持“力量在你心中”活动,与有影响力的人合作,开展开放式对话和技能培训以抵制毒品。 The funding supports the "The Strength Is In You" campaign, collaborating with influencers, open dialogue, and skills training to resist drugs. 此前,总统埃默森·姆南加古瓦呼吁对贩毒集团实施更严厉的处罚,因为津巴布韦 60% 的精神病患者是由于吸毒造成的。 This comes after President Emmerson Mnangagwa called for stricter penalties against drug cartels, as 60% of Zimbabwe's psychiatric admissions are due to drug abuse.