克莱县要求明尼苏达州立法机关为精神病住宅治疗设施提供资金。 Clay County asks Minnesota Legislature to fund psychiatric residential treatment facility.
以克莱县为首的明尼苏达州 18 个县和三个部落民族正在敦促州立法机关为穆尔黑德的精神病住宅治疗设施提供资金。 18 counties and three tribal nations in Minnesota, led by Clay County, are urging the state legislature to fund a psychiatric residential treatment facility in Moorhead. 拟建的设施投资 1000 万美元,拥有 12 张床位,旨在为 21 岁以下患有复杂精神疾病的儿童和年轻人提供住院护理,未来可能会扩大到 18 张床位。 The proposed $10m, 12-bed facility aims to provide inpatient care for children and young adults under 21 with complex mental health conditions and could expand to 18 beds in a future session. 目前,明尼苏达州有四个正在运营的精神科住院治疗设施,主要位于南部、中部和东北地区。 Currently, Minnesota has four operating psychiatric residential treatment facilities, primarily in southern, central, and northeast areas.