一名男子被指控犯有 2018 年温哥华杀人案。 Man charged in 2018 Vancouver homicide.
38 岁的本尼·雷·阿姆斯特朗 (Benny Rae Armstrong) 因 2018 年在温哥华发生的刺伤事件被指控过失杀人罪。 38-year-old Benny Rae Armstrong has been charged with manslaughter for a 2018 stabbing in Vancouver. 阿姆斯特朗与26岁的受害者阿贝尔·内格斯·阿贝拉(Abel Negussie Abera)之间发生口角,发生在西黑斯廷斯街和阿博特街附近,导致阿贝拉在住院一周后死亡。 The altercation between Armstrong and 26-year-old victim Abeal Negussie Abera occurred near West Hastings and Abbott streets, resulting in Abera's death a week after being hospitalized. 阿姆斯特朗于 3 月 22 日被捕,目前仍被拘留,定于 4 月 8 日出庭。 Armstrong was arrested on March 22 and remains in custody, with his court appearance scheduled for April 8.