Octa 澄清,外汇掉期是针对持有未平仓头寸隔夜收取的佣金。 Octa clarifies that Forex swap is a commission charged for holding open positions overnight.
Octa 澄清了外汇掉期和无掉期账户,解释说掉期是在外汇市场持有未平仓头寸隔夜收取的佣金。 Octa clarifies Forex swap and swap-free accounts, explaining that swap is a commission charged for holding open positions overnight in the Forex market. 通常在服务器时间晚上 11 点到凌晨 12 点之间撤回。 It is typically withdrawn between 11 pm and 12 am server time. 外汇市场是场外交易且不可交割,会自动平仓并重新开仓以避免计算。 The Forex market, being over-the-counter and non-deliverable, automatically closes and reopens positions to avoid calculations. 根据头寸的价值,隔夜利息可以是正数或负数,Octa 的目标是让交易者了解这些成功交易的概念。 The swap can be positive or negative depending on the position's value, and Octa aims to educate traders about these concepts for successful trading.