明尼苏达双城队的明星击球手罗伊斯·刘易斯 (Royce Lewis) 在第三局中停球后提前离开了球队的首场比赛;受伤严重程度未知。 Minnesota Twins' star hitter Royce Lewis left the team's opening game early after pulling up during the third inning; injury severity unknown.
明尼苏达双城队的明星击球手罗伊斯·刘易斯在球队本赛季首场对阵堪萨斯城皇家队的比赛中,在第三局退出后提前离场。 Minnesota Twins' star hitter Royce Lewis left the team's opening game of the season against the Kansas City Royals early after pulling up during the third inning. 刘易斯的伤势严重程度尚不清楚,他在第一次击球打出本垒打后被驱逐出比赛。 The severity of Lewis' injury is unknown, and he was removed from the game after hitting a home run in his first at-bat. 双城队以 4-1 赢得了比赛,帕布罗·洛佩兹投了 7 局,他是自 2019 年以来第一位做到这一点的双城队投手。 The Twins won the game 4-1, with Pablo Lopez pitching for 7 innings, the first Twins pitcher to do so since 2019.