丈夫詹姆斯·鲁梅尔 (James Rummell) 被捕,涉嫌雇佣达雷尔·莱利 (Darrell Riley) 谋杀妻子,并以入室盗窃的形式进行。 Husband James Rummell arrested, suspected of hiring Darrell Riley for wife's murder, staged as burglary.
丈夫詹姆斯·拉梅尔因涉嫌在霍金森谋杀妻子林迪·拉梅尔而被捕。 Husband James Rummell has been arrested in connection with the murder of his wife, Lindy Rummell, in Hockinson. 当局认为拉梅尔可能策划了一场入室盗窃来掩盖谋杀她的行为,并怀疑他雇佣了达雷尔·莱利(Darrell Riley)来实施犯罪,达雷尔·莱利因一级谋杀罪而被临时重罪逮捕令逮捕。 Authorities believe Rummell may have staged a burglary as a cover for her murder, and suspect that he hired Darrell Riley, who was arrested on a temporary felony warrant for first-degree murder, to carry out the crime. 拉梅尔被指控犯有谋杀同谋和盗窃同谋罪。 Rummell is charged with accomplice to murder and accomplice to burglary.