研究:嘈杂的自闭症大脑在某些任务上表现出色 Noisy Autistic Brains Excel in Certain Tasks: Study
根据最近的研究,自闭症患者的大脑通常被贴上“吵闹”的标签,但它们在特定的认知任务中表现出色。 Autistic brains, often labeled "noisy," excel in specific cognitive tasks according to recent research. 研究表明,自闭症患者在识别形状、排列方块以及在杂乱的环境中发现物体方面比非自闭症患者表现得更好。 Studies show autistic individuals perform better than non-autistic peers in identifying shapes, arranging blocks, and spotting objects in cluttered environments. 这种增强的表现已在九个月大的婴儿中得到记录,表明自闭症患者的大脑具有值得进一步研究的独特优势。 This enhanced performance has been recorded in babies as young as nine months, demonstrating that autistic brains have unique strengths that deserve further investigation.