前明尼苏达州州长 Jesse Ventura 与 Retro Bakery 合作推出大麻品牌 Jesse Ventura Farms,提供大麻衍生的 THC 食品。 Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura partners with Retro Bakery to launch cannabis brand Jesse Ventura Farms, offering hemp-derived THC edibles.
明尼苏达州前州长 Jesse Ventura 与明尼苏达州大麻公司 Retro Bakery 合作推出了大麻品牌 Jesse Ventura Farms。 Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura has launched a cannabis brand, Jesse Ventura Farms, in partnership with Minnesota hemp company Retro Bakery. 文图拉是一位长期的大麻倡导者,他与黑人拥有的小企业合作,开发了一系列大麻衍生的 THC 食品。 Ventura, a longtime marijuana advocate, has partnered with the Black-owned small business to create a line of hemp-derived THC edibles. 这位前州长在选择 Retro Bakery 投资之前采访了数百家大麻公司。 The former governor interviewed hundreds of cannabis companies before selecting Retro Bakery for the venture.