AGCO 监控 NBA 对多伦多猛龙队球员 Jontay Porter 投注违规行为的调查。 AGCO monitors NBA investigation into Toronto Raptors player Jontay Porter for betting irregularities.
安大略省酒精和博彩委员会 (AGCO) 密切关注 NBA 对多伦多猛龙队球员乔泰·波特 (Jontay Porter) 的调查,原因是涉及他表现的投注存在违规行为。 The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) closely monitors an NBA investigation into Toronto Raptors player Jontay Porter, due to irregularities in bets involving his performances. 监管安大略省博彩业的 AGCO 正在与博彩运营商、独立诚信监察员和安大略省警察局合作。 The AGCO, which regulates betting in Ontario, is working with gaming operators, independent integrity monitors, and the Ontario Provincial Police. 如果发现犯罪意图,省警察将确定是否需要进行刑事调查,因为加拿大刑法禁止在玩游戏时作弊或意图诈骗的赌博。 If criminal intent is found, the provincial police will determine if a criminal investigation is warranted, as the Criminal Code of Canada prohibits cheating while playing a game or betting with intent to defraud.