29 岁的前维京人队踢球手格雷格·约瑟夫与绿湾包装工队签订了一份为期一年、价值 129.5 万美元的合同。 29-year-old ex-Vikings kicker Greg Joseph signs a one-year $1.295m contract with the Green Bay Packers.
绿湾包装工队与前明尼苏达维京人队踢球手格雷格·约瑟夫签订了一份为期一年的合同,价值高达 129.5 万美元。 Green Bay Packers sign former Minnesota Vikings kicker Greg Joseph on a one-year contract worth up to $1.295m. 29岁的约瑟夫将与包装工队的踢球手安德斯·卡尔森竞争踢球位置,而最近又签下了杰克·波德莱斯尼。 Joseph, aged 29, will compete with Packers' kicker Anders Carlson and recently signed Jack Podlesny for the kicking spot. 约瑟夫保持着维京人队 61 码的最长射门记录,并在 2022 年度过了一个成功的赛季,30 次投篮命中 24 次,38 次加分命中 36 次。 Joseph holds the Vikings' record for longest field goal at 61 yards and had a successful season in 2022, making 24 of 30 field-goal attempts and 36 of 38 extra-point attempts.