据报道,2 岁的贝利·沃尔夫 (Bailey Wolf) 在悉尼一家托儿所失踪,于 3 月 27 日被安全找到。 2-year-old Bailey Wolf, reported missing from a Sydney childcare facility, was safely located on March 27.
据报道,3 月 26 日,2 岁的贝利·沃尔夫 (Bailey Wolf) 在悉尼米兰达 (Miranda) 的一家托儿所失踪,现已安全找到。 2-year-old Bailey Wolf, reported missing from a childcare facility in Miranda, Sydney on March 26, has been safely located. 由于她的年龄,警方担心她的安危,并紧急寻求公众帮助寻找她和她父亲凯西·沃尔夫的下落。 Police were concerned for her welfare due to her age and urgently sought the public's help to locate her and her father, Casey Wolf. 3 月 27 日,这名幼儿在斯蒂芬斯港附近的塔罗被发现,很安全。 The toddler was found safe in Taro, near Port Stephens, on March 27.