裸鼹鼠基因组研究揭示了低氧生存和心脏保护的适应性。 Naked mole-rat genome study reveals adaptations for low-oxygen survival and heart protection.
新的研究表明,裸鼹鼠的基因组包含特定的适应性,使其能够在低氧环境中生存。 New research reveals that the genome of the naked mole-rat contains specific adaptations that allow it to survive in low-oxygen environments. 这项由 Dunja Aksentijevic 博士领导的研究发现,裸鼹鼠独特的心脏代谢特征有助于避免心血管事件期间心脏受损。 The study, led by Dr. Dunja Aksentijevic, found that the naked mole-rat's unique cardiometabolic profile helps avoid damage to its heart during cardiovascular events. 这些遗传适应可以作为推进人类生理和医学研究的基础。 These genetic adaptations could serve as a basis for advancing physiological and medical research in humans.