金佰利重组为三个业务部门,3年内重组成本达15亿美元。 Kimberly-Clark reorganizes into three business units, incurring $1.5B in restructuring costs over 3 years.
Kimberly-Clark 计划重组为三个业务部门,未来三年将产生约 15 亿美元的成本。 Kimberly-Clark plans to reorganize into three business units, incurring around $1.5 billion in costs over the next three years. 此次重组旨在简化运营并削减成本,因为这家面巾纸制造商面临着受通货膨胀困扰的客户减少购买价格较高产品的情况,并失去了货架空间,转而购买更实惠的自有品牌替代品。 The restructuring aims to simplify operations and cut costs as the Kleenex tissue maker faces inflation-stricken customers reducing purchases of pricier products and losing shelf-space to more affordable private-label alternatives. 重组后的业务部门包括北美业务、国际个人护理业务、国际家庭护理和专业业务。 The reorganized segments include business in North America, international personal care, and international family care and professional businesses.