迪尔沃思市议会选举密尔沃基中尉贾斯汀·卡洛尼为警察局长。 Dilworth City Council selects Milwaukee Lt. Justin Carloni as police chief.
迪尔沃思市议会以 4 比 1 的投票结果,任命密尔沃基警察中尉贾斯汀·卡罗尼 (Justin Carloni) 取代代理警察局长亨特·罗森 (Hunter Rawson) 担任警察局长。 Dilworth City Council votes 4-1 to offer Milwaukee Police Lt. Justin Carloni the position of police chief over acting police chief, Hunter Rawson. Carloni 自 1999 年以来一直在密尔沃基警察局工作,而 Rawson 已在 Dilworth 警察局工作 21 年。 Carloni has worked with Milwaukee Police Department since 1999, while Rawson has been with Dilworth Police Department for 21 years. 该委员会计划将最终提议提交给市议会,供 4 月 8 日举行的下次会议审议。 The council plans to bring the final offer to the City Council for consideration at the next meeting on April 8.