据报道,牛仔队和四分卫达克·普雷斯科特了解他的合同情况,尽管处于合同年,但没有收到任何报价,有可能在 2025 年成为自由球员。 Cowboys and QB Dak Prescott reportedly understand his contract situation, with no offers despite being in a contract year, potentially leading to free agency in 2025.
据报道,牛仔队和四分卫达克·普雷斯科特“对他的合同情况有相互了解”,尽管他处于合同年,但达拉斯没有提出任何报价。 The #Cowboys and QB Dak Prescott reportedly have "a mutual understanding of his contract situation", with no offers from Dallas despite him being in a contract year. 牛仔队老板杰里·琼斯表示:“今年我们已经做好了准备。” Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said, "We are where we are, locked and loaded for this year." 达克·普雷斯科特 (Dak Prescott) 在 2025 年测试自由球员的道路似乎已经扫清,他有可能成为 NFL 最大的非限制性自由球员。 It appears the path is being cleared for Dak Prescott to test free agency in 2025, potentially becoming the NFL's biggest unrestricted free agent.