4名在叙利亚被拘留的加拿大男子请求最高法院重新审议遣返案。 4 Canadian men detained in Syria request Supreme Court reconsideration of repatriation case.
在叙利亚被拘留的四名加拿大男子请求加拿大最高法院重新考虑他们的案件并举行听证会。 Four Canadian men detained in Syria have requested the Supreme Court of Canada to reconsider their case for a hearing. 11月,最高法院拒绝听取他们对联邦上诉法院裁决的质疑,该裁决称渥太华没有义务遣返他们。 In November, the top court declined to hear their challenge against a Federal Court of Appeal ruling that stated Ottawa is not obligated to repatriate them. 这些男子的律师辩称,极其罕见的情况需要再次审查上诉许可申请。 The men's lawyers argue that exceedingly rare circumstances warrant another look at the application for leave to appeal.