由于臭网杂草入侵,亚利桑那州的卡萨格兰德遗址国家纪念碑暂时关闭野餐区。 Arizona's Casa Grande Ruins National Monument temporarily closes picnic area due to invasive stinknet weed infestation.
由于入侵性有毒冬季杂草臭网的大量侵扰,亚利桑那州的卡萨格兰德遗址国家纪念碑暂时关闭了野餐区,直至五月。 Arizona's Casa Grande Ruins National Monument temporarily closed its picnic area until May due to a dense infestation of the invasive and noxious winter weed, stinknet. 臭网的高度超过 2 英尺,具有类似松节油的气味,会导致严重的呼吸问题和严重的皮疹。 Stinknet, which grows over 2 feet tall, has a turpentine-like odor and can cause serious breathing problems and severe skin rashes. 纪念碑的团队正在研究尽快重新开放野餐区的解决方案,这可能需要到 5 月 1 日。 The monument's team is working on a solution to reopen the picnic area as soon as possible, which may take until May 1. 这座纪念碑位于卡萨格兰德东北约 20 英里的柯立芝,保留了霍霍卡姆部落 700 多年前建造的建筑。 The monument, preserving structures built by the Hohokam tribe over 700 years ago, is located in Coolidge, about 20 miles northeast of Casa Grande.