Bioz 与 Life Chemicals 合作,增强产品使用信息的访问。 Bioz partners with Life Chemicals to enhance product usage info access.
AI 公司 Bioz 与化学图书馆提供商 Life Chemicals 合作,以增强对科学文献中产品使用信息的访问。 AI company Bioz partners with chemical library provider Life Chemicals to enhance access to product usage info from scientific literature. Life Chemicals 已在同行评审期刊中积累了数百次引用。 Life Chemicals has accumulated hundreds of citations in peer-reviewed journals. 此次合作将 Bioz Badges 添加到 Life Chemicals 的网站,使用户能够与提及其产品的科学期刊片段进行互动,从而改进产品评估并加速发现研究。 The partnership adds Bioz Badges to Life Chemicals' website, enabling users to interact with scientific journal snippets mentioning their products, improving product evaluation and accelerating research for discoveries.