塞内加尔当选总统费耶发誓将以谦逊的态度执政。 Senegal's president-elect Faye vows to govern with humility.
44岁的塞内加尔政坛新人、反对派总统候选人巴西鲁·迪奥马耶·法耶(Bassirou Diomaye Faye)在赢得塞内加尔总统选举后承诺以谦逊和透明的方式执政。 44-year-old Bassirou Diomaye Faye, a newcomer to Senegalese politics and the opposition presidential candidate, has pledged to govern with humility and transparency after winning Senegal's presidential election. 获得36.2%选票的法耶承诺优先考虑青年福利,并投入更多国家资源来帮助塞内加尔年轻人。 Faye, who secured 36.2% of votes, has promised to prioritize youth welfare and dedicate more state resources to help young Senegalese. 他的胜利预示着权力的和平过渡,被视为西非民主的积极发展,特别是在 2020 年以来的八次军事政变中。 His victory, which promises a peaceful transition of power, is seen as a positive development for democracy in West Africa, especially amid eight military coups since 2020.