尽管美国实施了制裁,但乌克兰星链连接问题与俄罗斯使用量的增加同时发生。 Ukrainian Starlink connection issues coincide with increased Russian use, despite US sanctions.
乌克兰军队报告了无人机战争的关键服务“星链”的连接问题,同时还注意到,尽管美国实施制裁,俄罗斯仍在增加使用卫星互联网。 Ukrainian troops report connection issues with Starlink, a crucial service for drone warfare, while also noticing increased Russian use of the satellite internet despite US sanctions. 乌克兰士兵发现连接速度下降和其他问题,这与俄罗斯使用的情况以及社交媒体帖子声称成功绕过制裁的情况相吻合。 Ukrainian soldiers have seen decreased connection speeds and other issues, coinciding with sightings of Russian use and social media posts claiming successful sanction bypassing. Starlink、SpaceX 和马斯克均拒绝就日益恶化的服务发表评论。 Starlink, SpaceX, and Musk declined to comment on the deteriorating service.