出于安全考虑,黑斯廷斯区议会取消变装故事时间活动。 Hastings District Council cancels Drag Storytime event due to safety concerns.
由于安全问题和错误信息,黑斯廷斯区议会取消了黑斯廷斯图书馆的变装故事时间活动,这使其成为新西兰第二个这样做的议会。 The Hastings District Council has cancelled a Drag Storytime event at the Hastings Library amid safety concerns and misinformation, making it the second council in NZ to do so. 命运教会牧师布莱恩·塔玛基(Brian Tamaki)发出威胁,取消了这些活动,他发誓要在全国范围内关闭类似的活动,声称这些活动使儿童性化。 The cancellations follow threats from Destiny Church Pastor Brian Tamaki, who vowed to shut down similar events nationwide, claiming they sexualise children. 此前,命运教会成员用白色油漆破坏了吉斯伯恩的彩虹十字路口。 This comes after a rainbow crossing in Gisborne was vandalised with white paint by members of the Destiny Church.