10 所即将离任的 Pac-12 学校与华盛顿州和俄勒冈州达成和解,获得 6500 万美元的财务分配。 10 departing Pac-12 schools settle with Washington State and Oregon State for $65m in financial distributions.
华盛顿州和俄勒冈州已与退出 Pac-12 的 10 所学校达成和解,获得总计 6500 万美元的财务分配。 Washington State and Oregon State have settled with the 10 schools leaving the Pac-12, receiving a total of $65m in financial distributions. 离开的学校将在 2024 财年每所扣留 500 万美元,并每所额外支付 150 万美元作为“补充捐款”。 The departing schools will withhold $5m each during the 2024 fiscal year and pay an additional $1.5m each as a "supplemental contribution". 这笔 6500 万美元的和解协议确保了其余学校所赚取的资金得到平等分配,从而确保对学生运动员的支持。 This $65m settlement ensures an equal distribution of funds earned by the remaining schools, securing support for their student-athletes.