加密货币交易所 Bitget 与莱昂内尔·梅西 (Lionel Messi) 合作,在阿根廷举办了一场以梅西为主题的活动,以支持卡库佩俱乐部 (Club Caacupé),并为贫困青少年筹集超过 4,000 美元。 Crypto exchange Bitget, partnered with Lionel Messi, hosted a Messi-themed event in Argentina to support Club Caacupé and raise over $4k for underprivileged youth.
加密货币交易所 Bitget 与莱昂内尔·梅西 (Lionel Messi) 合作,在阿根廷举办了一场以梅西为主题的活动,以庆祝成立两周年,并支持针对贫困青少年的体育俱乐部 Club Caacupé。 Crypto exchange Bitget, partnered with Lionel Messi, hosted a Messi-themed event in Argentina to celebrate their 2nd anniversary and support Club Caacupé, a sports club for underprivileged youth. 该活动通过足球挑战筹集了超过 4,000 美元,每个目标可转化为 3 美元的捐款。 The event raised over $4k through football challenges, with each goal translating to a $3 donation. 资金将改善布宜诺斯艾利斯市弱势儿童和家庭的生活质量。 Funds will improve the quality of life for children and families in vulnerable situations in Buenos Aires City.