3月24日,在Overland Park的91街和梅特卡夫大道交汇处,一名踏板车司机与一辆SUV相撞,严重受伤。 On March 24th, a scooter driver was seriously injured in a collision with an SUV at 91st St. and Metcalf Ave., Overland Park.
在欧弗兰帕克,一名踏板车司机与一辆SUV相撞后受重伤。 In Overland Park, a scooter driver was seriously injured after colliding with an SUV. 这起事故于 3 月 24 日发生在 91 街和梅特卡夫大道交汇处,事故发生后,摩托车骑手被甩出车外。 The accident occurred on March 24th at 91st St. and Metcalf Ave. when the scooter rider was thrown from their vehicle following the collision. 骑手被送往附近医院接受治疗。 The rider was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. 司机的身份和导致碰撞的细节尚未公布。 The identities of the drivers and the details leading up to the collision have not been released.