3 月 25 日,底特律 Air Xpress (DAX) 巴士服务推出,提供从底特律市中心到底特律大都会机场的直达路线,单程价格不到 10 美元。 25 March, Detroit Air Xpress (DAX) bus service launched, providing a direct route from Downtown Detroit to Detroit Metro Airport for under $10 one way.
新的底特律 Air Xpress (DAX) 巴士服务于 3 月 25 日推出,提供从底特律市中心到底特律大都会机场的直达路线,单程价格不到 10 美元。 New Detroit Air Xpress (DAX) bus service launched on 25 March, offering a direct route from Downtown Detroit to Detroit Metro Airport for under $10 one way. DAX 是首个提供前往机场直达班车的公共巴士服务,每天凌晨 3:30 至晚上 11 点之间有 16 个往返班次。 DAX is the first public bus service providing a direct shuttle to the airport, with 16 round trips daily between 3:30 a.m. and 11 p.m. 乘客可以在密歇根大道和州街之间的华盛顿大道车站上车。 Passengers can board the bus at the stop on Washington Boulevard between Michigan Avenue and State Street.