生成式人工智能增加了网络钓鱼攻击的复杂性,因此需要加强安全意识培训和网络保险。 Generative AI increases sophistication of phishing attacks, necessitating enhanced security awareness training and cyber insurance.
由于威胁行为者利用人工智能发起复杂的网络钓鱼攻击,生成式人工智能给安全意识培训带来了新的挑战。 Generative AI poses new challenges to security awareness training, as threat actors use AI to create sophisticated phishing attacks. 安全领导者投资于员工培训,以识别电子邮件威胁,网络安全专家则强调保持最新人工智能安全最佳实践的重要性。 Security leaders invest in training for employees to identify email threats, and cybersecurity experts emphasize the importance of staying updated on AI security best practices. 网络保险在管理和理解不断变化的人工智能驱动威胁方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 Cyber insurance plays a crucial role in managing and understanding the evolving AI-driven threats.