女演员布莱克·莱弗利因拿凯特·米德尔顿公主的照片开玩笑而道歉。 Actress Blake Lively apologized for joking about Princess Kate Middleton's photo.
女演员布蕾克·莱弗利 (Blake Lively) 因轻视凯特·米德尔顿 (Kate Middleton) 公主的图像篡改丑闻而公开道歉。 Actress Blake Lively has issued a public apology for making light of the image manipulation scandal involving Princess Kate Middleton. 在凯特承认编辑了自己和孩子们的官方照片以庆祝英国母亲节后,凯特王妃缺席了公共生活,莱弗利开玩笑说,凯特王妃缺席了公众生活,引发了“Photoshop失败”的热潮。 Lively joked about the "photoshop fails" frenzy surrounding Kate's absenteeism from public life after the princess admitted to editing an official photograph of herself and her children to celebrate Mother's Day in the UK. 后来有消息称,凯特王妃正在与癌症作斗争,促使包括莱弗利在内的许多人对自己之前的言论表示遗憾。 It was later revealed that Princess Kate is battling cancer, prompting many, including Lively, to express regret for their earlier comments.