34 岁的伊森·A·德普 (Ethan A. Depugh) 指控一名女司机偷了 100 美元,袭击了她,偷了她的车,后来被捕。 34-year-old Ethan A. Depugh accused a female driver of stealing $100, assaulted her, stole her car, and was later arrested.
34 岁的 Ethan A. Depugh 指控一名女司机偷了 100 美元,袭击了她,然后偷走了她的车。 34-year-old Ethan A. Depugh accused a female driver of stealing $100, assaulted her, and then stole her car. 这辆车后来在南桥街被发现,德普在一个交通站被捕。 The car was later found on South Bridge Street, and Depugh was arrested in a traffic stop. 他面临四级机动车辆盗窃罪和轻罪袭击罪的起诉,可能面临最高两年的监禁和 6,000 美元的罚款。 He faces indictments for fourth-degree grand theft of a motor vehicle and misdemeanor assault, with potential penalties of up to two years in prison and $6,000 in fines.