超过 100 人在墨尔本集会,要求刺杀塞莱斯特·曼诺 (Celeste Manno) 的凶手被判处无期徒刑,判处 36 年徒刑,30 年内假释。 100+ people rally in Melbourne for life imprisonment for Celeste Manno's stabber, sentenced to 36 years with parole in 30 years.
包括 Celeste Manno 的亲人在内的 100 多人在墨尔本集会,身穿“为 Celeste 伸张正义”的 T 恤和传单,要求对 2020 年 11 月刺伤她 23 刀的男子判处终身监禁。 100+ people, including loved ones of Celeste Manno, rally in Melbourne with "Justice for Celeste" t-shirts and flyers, demanding the man who stabbed her 23 times in November 2020 serve life in prison. 杀害曼诺的凶手、39岁的卢埃·萨科(Luay Sako)被判处36年徒刑,并在30年内获得假释资格。 Manno's killer, 39-year-old Luay Sako, was sentenced to 36 years with parole eligibility in 30 years. 曼诺的母亲阿吉·迪毛罗恳求检察官对判决提出上诉。 Manno's mother, Aggie Di Mauro, pleaded with prosecutors to appeal the sentence.