Corewell Health Centre for Wellness 搬迁至本顿港 West Main 133 号的更大设施。 Corewell Health Center for Wellness relocated to a larger facility at 133 West Main in Benton Harbor.
在本顿港,Corewell Health Centre for Wellness(以前的 Center for Better Health and Wellness)已搬迁至 133 West Main 的新地点。 In Benton Harbor, Corewell Health Center for Wellness (previously Center for Better Health and Wellness) has moved to a new location at 133 West Main. 该设施最初由大流行期间的赠款资助,但在资金耗尽后由 Corewell Health 继续开放,使其成为多年来首次对卫生系统进行重大投资。 The facility, initially funded by grants during the pandemic, was kept open by Corewell Health after funds ran out, making it the first major health system investment in years. 街对面的新建筑提供了 20 倍的空间,包括提供营养服务的厨房、教育空间和体育室。 The new building, just across the street, offers 20 times more space and includes a kitchen for nutrition services, education space, and room for physical education.