当孩子们准备上大学时,女演员格温妮丝·帕特洛感到即将来临的悲伤。 Actress Gwyneth Paltrow feels impending grief as her children prepare for university.
女演员格温妮丝·帕特洛 (Gwyneth Paltrow) 在她的孩子阿普尔 (Apple) 和摩西 (Moses) 准备离家上大学时分享了她“即将到来的悲伤”的感受。 Actress Gwyneth Paltrow has shared her feelings of "impending grief" as her children, Apple and Moses, prepare to leave home for university. 这位奥斯卡获奖女演员与酷玩乐队的前夫克里斯·马丁共同抚养了孩子,她向《星期日泰晤士报》表达了自己的感受,称她在母亲身份中找到了满足感,并试图以开放的态度接受孩子们新独立带来的变化。 。 The Oscar-winning actress, who shares the children with her former husband Chris Martin of Coldplay, expressed her emotions to The Sunday Times, stating that she finds fulfillment in motherhood and is trying to be open to the changes that come with her children's new independence.