2022 年美国农业部人口普查显示,新墨西哥州农业产值增长 17%,达到 37.1 亿美元,而家庭农场自 2017 年以来不断减少。 2022 USDA census reveals a 17% increase in New Mexico's agriculture production value to $3.71bn, while family-owned farms decrease since 2017.
根据美国农业部最新的人口普查,新墨西哥州是美国农业产量最高的州之一,到 2022 年农业产值将增长 17%,达到 37.1 亿美元。 New Mexico ranks among the top US states for farming, with a 17% increase in agriculture production value to $3.71bn in 2022, according to the latest USDA census. 新墨西哥州的山核桃、智利纸、牛奶、奶酪和洋葱产量名列前茅,95% 的农场为家族所有。 New Mexico ranks high in the production of pecans, chile papers, milk, cheese, and onions, with 95% of farms being family-owned. 尽管如此,与 2017 年上次人口普查相比,该州农场数量有所减少。 Despite this, the number of farms in the state decreased compared to the previous census in 2017.