尼日尔士兵在动荡的边境地区遭伏击身亡。 Niger Soldiers Killed In Ambush In Volatile Border Region.
武装分子对尼日尔西北部的一个军事单位发动袭击,造成 23 名尼日尔士兵死亡、17 人受伤。 23 Nigerien soldiers were killed and 17 wounded in an attack by militants on a military unit in northwestern Niger. 袭击者人数超过 100 人,在伏击过程中使用了简易爆炸装置和自杀式炸弹。 The attackers, numbering over 100, used improvised explosive devices and suicide bombs during the ambush. 该事件发生时,该部队正在从遭受叛乱袭击的蒂拉贝里地区执行行动返回,这突显了西非持续存在的伊斯兰叛乱活动。 The incident took place as the military unit was returning from an operation in the insurgency-hit Tillaberi region, and highlights the ongoing Islamist insurgency in West Africa.