纽约市“最差房东”房东丹尼尔·奥赫布沙洛姆 (Daniel Ohebshalom) 投降,因在曼哈顿两处房产中犯下 700 多项住房违规行为,被判入狱 60 天。 Landlord Daniel Ohebshalom, NYC's "worst landlord," surrenders, serving a 60-day jail sentence for 700+ housing violations in 2 Manhattan properties.
被称为纽约市“最糟糕房东”的房东丹尼尔·奥赫布沙洛姆 (Daniel Ohebshalom) 已向当局自首,目前正在服刑 60 天,原因是他在曼哈顿的两处房产中忽视了 700 多处住房违规行为。 Landlord Daniel Ohebshalom, known as NYC's "worst landlord," has surrendered to authorities and is serving a 60-day jail sentence for neglecting over 700 housing violations in his two Manhattan properties. 尽管法院发出多项命令,Ohebshalom 仍未能解决暖气、热水和外门薄弱等问题。 Despite multiple court orders, Ohebshalom failed to address issues such as heat, hot water, and weak exterior doors. 他将在赖克斯岛面临长达 60 天的监禁,如果他在监禁期间改正违规行为,可能会获得减刑。 He faces up to 60 days in Rikers Island, with a possible reduced sentence if he fixes the violations during his incarceration.